"JESUS' TEACHING WILL JUDGE PEOPLE" AUDIO BLOG (or read only below) John 12:44-48 Jesus’ Teaching Will Judge People 44 Then Jesus said loudly, 'Everyone who believes in me is really believing in the one who sent me. 45 Everyone who sees me is really seeing the one who sent me. 46 I came into this world as a light. I came so that everyone who believes in me will not stay in darkness. 47 I did not come into the world to judge people. I came to save the people in the world. So I am not the one who judges those who hear my teaching and do not obey. 48 But there is a judge for all those who refuse to believe in me and do not accept what I say. The message I have spoken will judge them on the last day. 49 That is because what I taught was not from myself. The Father who sent me told me what to say and what to teach. 50 And I know that whatever he says to do will bring eternal life. So the things I say are exactly what the Father told me to say.'” Amen!
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Melanie GarciaFaithful and humble servant of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Archives
June 2023